Thursday, August 29, 2013


Lessons we learn solely from man are always going to be flawed.

I recently read this article calling out Joyce Meyer and Joel Osteen as being false teachers. The main point throughout it that they teach prosperity and the prosperity doctrine is bad. Ok.
I was hesitant to read this at first because, well, I watch Joyce Meyer at least a couple times a week. I've always felt that the messages I've heard from her were positive and also encouraged me to grow spiritually. Nonetheless, I decided I should read what others are seeing that maybe I was missing and try to be objective.

 I definitely see some points the writer makes as.. err.. valid concern. The point that perhaps some of her teachings being spread throughout the world to young churches might be unhealthy for them because they lack resources. Ok, sure, I see your point. The fact that people may be convinced to give financially as a means to sway God in His generosity.. yeah, that's the danger of the prosperity teaching. But there is something that this writer and pastor seems to be blatantly overlooking here.

Believers have a responsibility to seek God and to listen to the Holy Spirit.

I don't say that to tear anyone down or sound self righteous. The New testament warns against false teachers, and they are out there. I don't want to minimize that. They are sneaky and deceptive and the mix in God's word with their own motives. It's a really confusing mess to sort out.

What I do want to say is that I have been led astray before. I was being fed a lot of ideas of "if you give your time and money to this ministry, God will BLESS you." And by "bless" they really meant "pull you out of your financial issues." It was exploitation, and I feel really ashamed for being so naïve. Ugh. But I've had to realize something about the whole situation.

My attitude was part of the problem.

 Is God going to bless those that are faithful? I mean EXERCISING their faith through giving for the right reasons? Yes. Is God going to hear every prayer and know every need? Yes. Is He going to give us what we ask for, if it's pleasing to Him? Does He not want the best for His children? Yes!! Is every blessing a dollar amount? No. In fact money, or the love of money can destroy a persons relationship with God faster than just about anything.

When I was buying into this whole idea of giving to receive, that's all it was. Giving to get something. How selfish and ungrateful was that? Salvation's not enough to want to give so that others may be reached? The loving family, the home, and the food on the table are not enough to count myself blessed? Really?

Allen and I did some serious soul searching, and also some researching the word. We even took a break for about a year from giving any set amount regularly. I wanted to know why the church cares so much about "tithing" and 10% and I wanted to feel like it was ok to give and never see my account balance rise miraculously.

 I now feel like I'm happy to give for these reasons:
1. I LOVE my church. I don't feel like my money is being eaten up by greedy pastors and nonsense expenses. I see the generosity in their missions here and abroad. I want to be a part of that.
2. I want my church to be able to grow and plant more churches.
3. (And this really is the most important, and results from the above) I want more people to find God.

Is Joyce Meyer a false teacher? umm.. I'm really not sure. I'm proceeding with caution because I know how easy it is to be misguided by someone who seems super "spiritual." But here's my assessment- When I watch her teachings I feel encouraged to make better choices throughout my day. I've found God teaching me many of the same lessons in my life at the same time. I also feel the desire to spend more time with God on my own, instead of relying on church services and occasional teachings. Her messages, to me, really echo loving others, acting like a Christian, being confident in Christ, forgiving others and being obedient to what God is asking you. She comes off a little.. blunt. I think that's because she's been preaching for over 30 years and just doesn't need to be careful with peoples feelings. I've always been careful not to let her become an idol to me, but rather to listen for God's voice, as I would any other church service or reading the word on my own.

And I don't want to open a debate, but 1 Corinthians 2:14 You do need the Holy Spirit to help you understand the word of God. It was inspired by Him, after all.

If churches in other countries are relying on a Joyce Meyer teaching once a week and are not in prayer, then yeah, that might be their undoing. It's not possible to grow vicariously through another person, no matter how great a leader they are. If you can watch and apply some of the concepts she teaches to your life along with spending time alone with God, then I think You'll gain perspective and wisdom and feel like you're not alone on your journey.