Sunday, August 12, 2012

Write Your Own Love Story-

Us girls love watching romantic movies and listening to songs that make us melt. In fact, I look forward to time by myself so I can lose myself in some sappy movie. Hollywood gets it- women want to feel loved and embraced, and if we don't feel it at home, we'll pay a high price for it. Men like to think they're the only ones with imaginations big enough to put themselves inside a scenario that's not real, but we can travel there as fast as you can say "Ryan Gosling."

So you can be the girl that waits and waits and waits.... and waits for that kind of romantic guy to come along. You can fall for the guy that says all the right things and end up disappointed when the chivalry dies. Or you can get real. Real guys don't always remember to be romantic, usually because they're too busy fixing your car.

I'm not suggesting that single girls need to settle for less than love. What I'm trying to say is write your own love story. Life doesn't have to mirror the drama or the perfection of what we see all the time. It's totally ok the be happy with someone who's not perfect.

It's ok to be happy with someone who's not perfect.

It's OK to be happy with someone who's not perfect.

And it definitely ok to be more that a pretty girl being pursued. I think sometimes we assume that being beautiful should be enough to earn the type of love we want. Sometimes we even think that's why we don't have the type of relationship we wish we did. That we're not pretty enough to be adored. Wrong.

Everything in life is give and take. When a man looks for a wife, he usually is looking for someone to help him in his journey. Someone who cares for him. You cannot show someone you care for them by just thinking about them, it takes action. If you want your man to bend a little and think about doing really crazy romantic things for you, do something for him. Work along side him, make him breakfast.. Something!

Lately I've realized that being a woman doesn't make me weak or incapable. I'm pretty strong, I'm pretty tough, I'm pretty smart and.. well.. I'm pretty.
I am loved- and it's the kind I wouldn't want to ever live without.

And so we will live beautifully flawed and happily ever after-