Tuesday, September 25, 2012

She Does it All

Last week I decided it was time to get out of my little funk. You know.. the one we SAHMs get in when we are home too much. I had stopped noticing the piles of laundry and all the toys on the floor. Being able to sweep and mop had become a fantasy. So I started getting up early and showering before my precious little boys woke up. I started my days early, worked all day long to clean clean clean and before I knew it, it was time to make dinner and my boys were begging for my attention (in whatever creative ways they could think of.)

I try so hard to do it all. Give my kids the attention they need. After all- THAT'S why I stay home with them. Keep our home clean and presentable. Plan and prepare most of our meals. It wasn't possible, at least not all at once. Something had to give.

Time with my boys was not going to be it. I am a young mom. Assuming that I have one more child within the next two years I would be 44 by the time my youngest turned 18. From that point on, I will probably have a lot more time to worry about having a spotless house. Right now I have a one-year-old who's learning to climb and play. He's got a growing vocabulary and a fascination with being outside. I have a little boy who will be three in December who's transitioning from being a baby- fully reliant on me- to being a little boy who can do A LOT by himself. Time is fleeting. I don't get to hit pause and watch them explore life "when I have time." It's now or never. They need me. And I need them.

If there is anything in this life I want to preserve, it my relationships. If I stop paying attention now, how could I expect my sons to be open with me when they go through challenges later on? I want to be there, so I'm choosing to be here. Now.

I will do what I can, and push myself everyday to squeeze the most out of every minute. But I will also play and laugh and let them eat ice cream. Because emotionally healthy kids turn into really happy adults. And that's a cause worth fighting for.

Mama's honor-

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