Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Idols and Altars

Actual wall in Jerusalem- image from here
I've started off 2014 on a much better note than most previous years. Our church has encouraged everyone to fast and get into the word on a daily basis, and I've happily done so. Not from food btw. This mama needs that energy source right now. Anyhow, I've been so excited to open the word every day and fall in love with this amazing story and its brilliant Author.

{ you can check out the reading plan we're using here. I like that it doesn't follow a typical pattern and many times I've seen things line up through the different chapters. Don't feel the need to make up for lost time, either. Just start the date you want to start and if you miss a day, pick up the next day. No guilt!}

So- Exodus 20:22-26 the LORD is giving Moses clear instruction on building the Altar. Then He says this:

If you make an altar of stones for me,
do not build it with dressed stones, 
for you will defile it if you use a tool on it. 
Verse 25

What a profound statement of the character of God. It's like He's saying, "don't try to fix my creation." 
And how many times do we miss that? We get busy being Marthas in ministry or even in our lives at home; trying to make everything look perfect, when all along He thought it already was. Who are we trying to impress? the one who knows our thoughts surely isn't surprised by our attempt at perfection. His love for us doesn't change because of it. 

I think we do this, not only to our outward, tangible selves, but in our hearts and with our plans. I'm not saying don't plan, but let's not try so hard to make everything "the way it should be." And believe me, my OCD self cringes at the thought! Stop fussing over time tables- If you're single, BE SINGLE. And embrace that in your life. If you're married, stop trying to change things about your spouse! He's the one God intended for you, embrace him! The problem with trying to be picture perfect is that we can't see the perfect picture. 

Can we all focus on letting the Author write. I know how much I hate people reading over my shoulder, because.. my work's not done. Every time we try to paint a picture of our future or take control over a situation we have NO control over- we do that. We read over the shoulder of our sweet Creator. As if we don't trust Him or think it's good enough. Let's stop. 

Let's build our altars out of beautifully imperfect stones. Ones shaped through the hard times. Stones that chipped and scratched their way into our story. And on top of all those stones, let's lay down our will. Sacrifice our need to feel put together or prove something to people who have little to do with our journey. 

He's still working, ladies! He is shaping and molding. If He were done, we'd be sitting right beside Him. Trust the process and wait and see- your ashes will be made beautiful. And soon we will all start to see the vision He had all the while.


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