Friday, June 7, 2013

Painted Sky

Yesterday was my 25th birthday. It being a Thursday, nothing too eventful happened. I enjoyed lunch with my mom, I let myself off the hook on housework, my parents took the boys out for a while so I could have some time alone so I read a book. I got some wonderful gifts from my husband and my parents after dinner. I was relaxing and the kind of day that I really needed.

After dinner and before gifts I went outside with my little guys. They love the dirt. As I was standing outside I became suddenly captivated with the sunset. Colors of soft pink illuminated into orange in certain spots, surrounded by a grey clouds swirling together with the pinks. "How does he do that?" I wondered. He must just enjoy the ability to blow our minds everyday with His artwork. There is maybe nothing better about New Mexico than the sunsets. I can't imagine my life without them at this point, and yet, as common as they are, each one enchants me.

I resolved last night, as I was trying to take in every last bit before it drifted off into nighttime, that my Father had painted the sky for me. A reminder that He's there, He knows how to get my attention and He, the Creator of the Universe, wants to give me good things. He has the time. He delights in putting a smile on my face.

Anyway, I just wanted to drop in and say, you matter. Maybe people don't always know how to make us feel special (although my family did pretty good) but God does. Just look around, He will definitely amaze you.

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